Thursday, June 23, 2016

June 2016 Update

The past month has flown by in a rush of activity.  We have done some travel for a wedding of a family member and were able to speak with the pastor of a church in the town we were visiting.  This was an enjoyable time and we were encouraged by the words that were spoken during our time together.

We have put our home on the market for sale and have had several people come to look at it.  There are not any offers on the table as of yet, but we know that God has a plan and the house will sell the moment it is supposed to.  However, let’s be honest the waiting, for Chris and I, has been trying.  We are people of action, and are once again reminded that we are not in control and reminded to Be Still and Know that He is God.

Raising financial support continues to be a slow process, but we are moving forward and know that what we are doing and where we are going is the plan and will of God for us at this stage of our lives.  We continue to pray that we will stay in line with that and keep our hearts open to the will of God and leading of the Holy Spirit. 

Please continue to pray for us. This is one need that every person can meet. If you would like to email us please feel free to do so.  We would love to hear from you and stay in communication with you.  You can send a message to . Also if there are any of you that would like to meet up with us before our departure please let us know via email. We would love to discuss our plans and future with you. Thank you for your love and support for us.


The Giffords

“The Will of God will not take you where the Grace of God cannot protect you.”