Many prayers are being said are a welcomed in this area.
Chris has seen many patients that are so sick and in need of care that we here in the USA we cannot not fathom the type of disease and suffering the Cameroonians are experiencing. He had a patient the other day that came to the hospital with lab values that you would make you assume that the man would be dead. Of course he was incredibly sick, but still alive! There has been times when Chris has felt helpless in how to care for the people at Mbingo Hospital because there is just not enough resources to possibly cure or treat them effectively. But on a side note he has been able to provide care to others who became well and were able to return to their life.
The kids and I have been here just sort of gliding along. I have been going through cabinets and sorting stuff into trash/garage sale/and keep piles. I am sure I will have to do this again like 3 more times and whittle away at our things to keep only what we really need. This is emotional and challenging. To sit and go through 3 years of build up and in some cases 14 years of build up because we have just packed it and moved to the next house.
Micah and Caj are doing well. They still are not completely sure about moving and what that will look and feel like, but Chris has been able to send pictures and that seems to have helped.
Micah has one of the major parts in his play at school and has been practicing his lines and songs. We are excited to see him as Tom Sawyer.
Micaja chipped her tooth and had to have that repaired. She is fine and did not have any pain.
Chris will be back on the evening of 3/1. We are looking forward to seeing him and towards taking the next steps for preparation for our move.
The last 2.5 weeks have been long and educational for all of us in the Gifford family. This is the first time that having Chris out of the country has been challenging for me at home and for the kids. I know that it is because we are all emotional with what it means for him to be there. Though we all know that moving forward to life in Cameroon is where we are called to go at this time there is a certain amount of strain that it is causing emotionally and mentally.
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